Does this sound like you?

  • You have EXPECTATIONS that are rarely met.
  • You pursue PREFERENCES that never come to pass.
  • You wonder if the ABUNDANT LIFE Jesus promised is really attainable.

I get it . . . because I was you

    "It took me a long time to be able say the following words, 'I REALLY DO LOVE MY LIFE!'

My name is Francis Anfuso, and I want to help you learn to love your life too!

As a former atheist turned pastor, I believe I’ve found the secret to helping you learn to love the life you’ve been given!

Before you can really love your life, you have to solve the riddle of life. Paul the Apostle said, 'I’VE LEARNED THE SECRET OF BEING CONTENT IN ANY & EVERY SITUATION.'


Francis Anfuso

Francis & Suzie Kitchenjpg

“Loving Your Life” is always based on three things:

Our perspective of God, combined with what He thinks of us = Our only HOPE of loving our Life.  

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When you think about what God thinks of you, does it make you sad or glad? Your answer will define your whole life. Do you make God smile or frown? It’s not just possible to know the answer to this question, it is essential that we do. I’m convinced God makes a distinction between who I am to Him, and my sin. The sinful actions that distort my true identity do not and cannot separate me from His love. Frankly, there’s nothing I could ever do to make God love me more or less than He already does. Therefore, my feeling better about myself should never be based upon my performance. Yes, at times, I still sin! But, because Jesus died for my sins, my God-intended identity is not that of a sinner, but as a son.


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If you’re a follower of Jesus, think back to one minute before you gave your life to Him. Did God love you then? Was He smiling or frowning? Did He suddenly have a cosmic epiphany and realize He was head over heels in love with you? NO! God loved you as much one minute before you received Jesus, as He did one minute after. God’s so excited about the life He’s given you, even your greatest challenges, He’ll settle for nothing less than you loving it too. So, how do you learn to love your life? You'll love your life when you know God’s always pleased with you and never disappointed; not everything you do, but everything you are. “God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8, NKJV)

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What if I told you that God’s will is that you would love the life He’s given you. Would you think it was overstated? Is there any parent who wouldn’t want their child to love their lives? Imagine, if you were an all-powerful God, how you could use Your limitless power to make that a reality for all of your children. But, as God’s children, He has not designed us as mere onlookers. Here are three essential, long-term strategies we need in order to love our lives. Loving life is given to those who learn to embrace the setbacks in their lives, and see their hidden value. Loving life is given to those who develop an overcoming strategy to handle failure. And lastly, the ability to love your life is given to those who praise and thank God, even when things don’t appear to be working out.

Get breakthrough results like people . . . we have helped!

Is there a secret to God transforming a life?

    Is there a SECRET to God transforming a life? I believe there is.           God says,   “…you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.” (Jeremiah 19:13) In my 51 years of following Jesus, the people I’ve witnessed getting truly free are those who recognize they needed God in a heavier dose than ever before. They didn't nibble around the edges. Though it’s understandable, and even for a season reasonable, if that’s as far as a person goes (nibbling around the edges) they’ll never really get to know God, they’ll never really get healed, and they’ll never find the peace God promises and they long for. Only the fully abandoned—fully open the gifts God has for them."

"Jesus, today I am seeking You with all of my heart!"

get started LEARNING TO LOVE YOUR LIFE . . .

"For the Lord God does nothing without revealing His SECRET to His servants the prophets." (Amos 3:7)